Origin Traceability

Tracking Diamonds from their Source to You
Before a Certified Sustainability Rated Diamond reaches you, it is tracked through a verified origin traceability process that provides 99.9% accuracy through the entire chain-of-custody, from source to market. Starting with the actual producer, whether mined or lab grown, Certified Sustainability Rated Diamonds rely on the most stringent empirical testing technologies to establish a source signature so that each certified diamond can be tracked and verified. This ensures that the long-term tracking and management of Certified Sustainability Rated Diamonds, from production through point of sale, is conducted in a consistent, accurate and transparent manner.
How can traceability be assured?
As part of the Sustainability Rated Diamonds Certification process, each diamond producer and handler must adhere to the detailed assurance requirements of the SCS-007 Certification Standard for Sustainability Rated Diamonds. These assurance requirements are the most stringent in the diamond industry and include the use of accredited origin testing and grading laboratories, accredited handlers, in-depth recordkeeping, empirical testing, and third-party surveillance auditing and sampling, which provides an extra layer of independent assurance.